Once upon a time...

Once upon a time a little girl was born in the German countryside. She loved warm woollen clothing as she spend her days outside running barefoot and wild through the fields and forest, playing imaginary games and dancing around bonfires. She bathed in the rivers and lakes and felt very close to nature.

She daydreamed of growing up and when she did she travelled the world and called many different countries her home, always keeping the memory of her home, of her woollen socks and jumper which kept her warm even on the coldest days.

She studied and worked in London, she met a French man, who changed her life, she became a mother and the word “organic” and “natural” grew in importance, once more. Her grandmother knitted woollen clothing for the kids and shipped it off to the British Island. Then one day the family decided exchange the Island and the big city for the French Alps, a slower pace of life, closer to nature, family and friends.

The pull to share her passion for organic and natural clothing and products melted into her life purpose; the desire to offer children an opportunity to grow up healthy, full of imagination and to daydream. This was the birth of Arbrebleu.


Why the name Arbrebleu …

I always liked trees, for me they resemble life… roots, trunk, and branches. Roots grow deep and strong, branches always keep growing and reaching out. Tree in French is Arbre.

The name did not feel complete, so I continued to search within myself and within nature for what may be missing. And on one of my nature walks in the mountains, I realised that what was missing is the magic, the magic of nature and the magic of childhood. A tree can be any colour we choose to see - my tree has many colours and the strongest magical branch holding a swing is bleu (blue in French).

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