Black Friday and Cyber Monday
We won't be participating in black Friday and we would like to take this
opportunity to explain our values a little bit more detailed.
We are a small independent boutique that cares about the products we sell and
how they’re sourced. Therefore, the whole production chain is important to us. Starting from animal welfare, water usage, pollution in terms of pesticides, toxins and harmful chemicals used in the fashion industry. Ethical and social standards such as working conditions and child labour.
We also want to promote slow fashion, which covers a big part of our values
including high quality, sustainable, ethical and lasting fashion. Black Friday is for us a commercial day to promote fast fashion, binge buying, it promotes and enhances consumerism rather than quality. Also it makes you wonder about business values, if you consider the low price or the reduction given. How much was actually paid to all the people involved in making your garment? How well where they protected and treated? Did they have a choice and were they considered in our society to have the appropriate age to work?
Fast fashion comes with a lot of negative aspects and it should raise a lot of
questions. It’s up to us to ask the right questions. Unfortunately, only a few
people care enough to talk about it. It’s not always about the price; it’s more
about do you dare to care?